Every school holiday St Mary's Church Eastwood hold a Messy Church event for families with children aged up to 11 years old.
Summer 2017 theme is WATER and here are just a few of the activities on offer.
Collage fish
Sequin shell
Play-dough mat
Pipe cleaner fish
Cork boat
Transient Art "Sea" Create a temporary art piece from loose pieces
Woolley jelly fish
Paper origami boat
Treasure bottles
1. contains ribbons, pipe cleaners, pom-poms, toys
2. contains glue, water, glitter and sequins
3. contains coloured sand, shells, letters and toys to
create a 'Find It' game
Kinetic sand
Seaside treasure baskets
Coloured rice and sequins with open mouthed sharks
Great for filling and pouring
Treasure bottles, scarves and key words to talk about
Traditional sand play
Handmade magnetic fishing game
A novel book corner!
Sponge fish printing
Collage fish
Paper plate fish
Transient art
Wax resist fish
Can you come up with some more ideas to share with my readers?
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