Sunday, 25 June 2017

Play Trays

Messy Play tray activities have been a favourite with my Granddaughter. They encourage imaginative play and are brilliant for improving hand eye control and fine motor skills. I use...wait for it...plastic dog baskets as trays as they are just the right size for a kiddie  hands and have a front lower rim and built up sides and back to keep everything contained.
Here are a few examples of messy things to play with in the Messy Tray.

Bubbles, use drinking straws, tiny whisks and bubble blowers.
Cornflour is amazingly gloopy!
It changes from liquid to solid in the most magical way!

Rice with lots of scoops and containers.
I often colour the rice with food colouring, leave it to dry before use.
At Messy church we had rainbow coloured rice for our Noah theme.
A wedding themed play tray with tiny champagne glasses for filling and pouring.
Pompom and ribbons to explore.

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